Pick up these books, Today!

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

I try to read a book a week… topics ranging from self improvement, chic novels, business topics, biographies and journals. These are a few books that I just completed and urge you to consider reading them. Let me know what you think!

Never Eat Alone … an other secrets to success one relationship at a time by Keith Ferrazzi

This book is the ultimate networking guide. Though I have the gift of gab and can honestly say that networking is the key to most of my success, this book has given me some ideas that I am using today…. like follow-up… In one of my classes I say…”what good is a piece of chocolate cake if you can’t eat it?” Follow-up makes any networking you do worthwhile. Otherwise it is a waste.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

by Jonathan Safran Foer

Oscar is a nine year old inventor who’s dad died in the 9-11 attack. He finds a key in an envelope with the word “black” on it and sets out to search New York City for the matching lock. I was captivated by the story as it explores more than one tragedy in his family along with the quest of the kid to find answers about the lock and his family. Also, I had the powerful urge to “google” words and topics that intrigued me as this brilliant kid did realizing his lack of knowledge in so many areas. I couldn’t put the book down. (Yet, I couldn’t get thru the first page of his first book!)

Plan B Further Thoughts on Faith

by Anne Lamont

Vulnerble, middle aged, single mom, and spiritual are a few words to describe Anne Lamont. I was thankful to have had the opportunity to hear her read from her book in March. The book is a collection of essays sharing her thoughts on aging, her son, the death of her dog, and people that she comes across that make her think. She is tortured by the Bush administration and moved by her small church community. I want to have her over for dinner.

Visit my website http://NatalieReviewsBooks.wordpress.com